Architectural Roofing & Construction

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As Office Manager at Architectural Roofing & Construction, my responsibilities extended beyond bookkeeping to include customer service, pulling permits at city building departments, and marketing.

The highlight of 2001 at ARC was designing a customized CRM (my first) with a full-service approach to supporting the contractors\’ and my own administrative workflow. Screenshots of the Access database are shown below. 

This is the main screen showing the list of active projects. A toggle button at the far lower right of the screen offers access to the list of closed projects. Reports on all projects include lead status reports for both projects that need to be quoted and projects with quoted proposals. Payroll reports with search prompts.  Access to all other administrative tables like employees, vendors, items, status, etc. A reference report is also available. 

ARC 1 Control Panel

Main Project Form

This main project or \”Job\” pop up form includes multiple tabs that start with Status. The status tab includes three sections: left to right: lead origination including a button to the measurement form (below), a project checklist and profit summary with a button to a complete profit report (below).  

ARC 2 Job Main Form

Measurement Form

ARC 16 Job Measurement Form

Profit Report

ARC 2PR1 Job Profit Report

Job Form Account Tab

Shows accounts receivable information.
Shows accounts receivable information.

Job Form Contact Tab

The contact log every good CRM needs
The contact log every good CRM needs

Job Form Permits Tab

Customized to keep track of the permitting process.
Customized to keep track of the permitting process.

Job Form Labor

Space for estimated and actual plus buttons for reports by item or employee.
Space for estimated and actual plus buttons for reports by item or employee.

Job Form Materials

Estimated and actual materials with report
Estimated and actual materials with report

Job Form Subcontractors Tab

Estimated and actual expenses for subcontractors.
Estimated and actual expenses for subcontractors.

Job Form Warranties Tab

A tab to track warranties
A tab to track warranties

Job Form Images Tab

embedded project images
embedded project images